H.I.M.- Speaks On The Value of Work
"....Brace yourself for hard work and pool your resources to compete with others in the economic and commercial activities of your motherland. Let each one of us be conscious of his responsibilities and firmly discharge his obligations, thereby becoming master of his own destiny. It is better to till the land rather than to bicker over trivial matters. It is better to exploit effectively a small tract of land rather than to proclaim as being owner of vast idle land.
Our waterfalls are sources of immense power and energy when properly harnessed. Use these waters to irrigate your land and you will be able to have two harvests annually. The naked mountains and hills are as useful as the plains below. Plant them with fir trees, teakwoods, eucalyptus and other trees and within a short time you will increase the forest resources of your country.
Tend your livestock. Just as one cannot harvest unless he cultivates his land, so also one cannot expect good results from his livestock unless he tends them carefully.
You have rich land that yields a variety of products. Do not be contented with the satisfacttion of your bare needs, but instead, cultivate your land among others with oleogenous plants, the seeds of which you can export for your greater benefit. Use the forest woods to make furniture and implements and exchange them for money. Your workmanship will be a monument to your name.
One should realize that thriftiness is the basis for the accumulation of wealth and the economic growth of the nation. One seldom minimizes the value of money earned by the sweat of the brow however small it may be, but for the extravagant even a huge amount of money is worthless. Know how to use your money wisely and effectively. A habit once formed becomes an incurable second nature. Therefore utilize your wealth for worthwhile things and avoid employing it for harmful purposes and for monetary pleasures.
What are the things you possess? What are your objectives in acquiring them? Learn how to spend wisely and increase of your wealth will eventually be your guide.
Use your savings where it will pay you the most. The hoarding of money does not yield dividends! If you wish your savings to pay you higher dividends, join in with those of your fellow citizens. It is through hard work, know-how, and patience that you will be able to increase your capital. The foundation and essential characteristics of a healthy society are mutual trust and confidence. Unless man undertakes the improvement of his society in co-operation with others, his striving for wealth becomes mere wishes. Do not be the victims of temporary contentment and petty satisfactions. Aspire for worthwhile aims that shall be ideals for succeeding generations.
The prosperity of each individual constitutes the wealth of Our nation which will eventually enable us to expand the schools and hospitals that We have established for the welfare of our people. The expansion of public health services will decrease the mortality rate and increase our population.
Just as a farm that is not taken care of cannot be free of weeds, so is also the development of a society. It cannot be denied that there are some people who have scrupulously or unscrupulously attempted to or have acquired wealth. If the wealth of a person cannot be for the general welfare, what would he gain for himself and his offspring but grudge and hatred? The fruits of one's sweat and mental labour are always rewarding, not only to oneself but also to one's suceeding generations. Be resolute in your work and attempt to complete whatever you undertake, if you face failure, try again and persist in your determination to attain your aim. Develop a healthy pursuit of life and do not limit your efforts to satisfying your selfish desires.
In particular, our youth must be steadfast and take advantage of the benefits of modern civilazation. Do not fall prey to idleness for it shall be a curse to you and to suceeding generations. You must set yourselves up as examples of determination and hard work. Plan your time and use both your physical and mental powers purposefully and productively."
August 28, 1959
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