This big cottonwood fell on the Johnson's house!!! |
Root ball |
This tree fell on the edge of the farm field. |
Even the outhouse got hammered. |
Close up of chard showing hail damage.
Well, I've contemplated writing this post all week. The farm got straight up hammered last Saturday. We had very severe storms in the area including tornado warnings. I don't know what you would call an "almost tornado", but one came through for sure bringing big winds, heavy rain, and hail. I feel like the damage to the crops is nothing compared to the hit on the Johnson's house. The pictures barely tell the story........ To see Duane and Shirley (the land owners) in such good spirits was pretty inspirational. Shirley was most disappointed to lose her big trees. She was joking about the fact that at 85, she probably wouldn't be around long enough to see the new ones grow as tall as the fallen trees... I wouldn't bet on that. Shirley was out there the next couple days clearing branches!!
Man....... what a season. This year has been very challenging. Max (the best intern ever!) and I had almost finished sinking all of our winter squash transplants, then this. I was finally starting to feel caught up from all of the late snow/ rain from March and April. This is the other side of farming..... you can be having a great season then something like this happens, and all of your work can be gone in 5 minutes!
We'll pull through. Some crops were destroyed, but some will grow through the hail damage. That's why we diversify on the small farm. We'll always get something....... and we are thankful for that!